Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And down the home streach I go....

Well I am now being very very productive at work and writing in my blog, how cool am I ha ha. So yeah yesterday I came home for lunch to see my roommate moving out with out letting the land lord or myself know. Ha ha, what a dip. All I have to say is thank god for Craigslist, and its ability to get information out fast! So now I am in the clear with 100% of the damage deposit that we get back going to me since he bailed with no notice.

So today is the last day of death care for me. I feel bad, I am the most worthless person today. I have no gumption to do anything right now.... I just want to get back to my house and continue packing and cleaning, because it is going to be a whole bucket of no fun to clean that place. On the bright side Brando has stepped up to be quite the homie during this transition, and is helping me out alot!

But just to think in six days I will be boarding an airplane to the other side of the world, and in a week I will be in Berlin. Wow, doesn't seem real as of yet. Oh well there is too much to much else to think about before I worry about all of that, like getting packed and cleaned and all that fun jazz!!

Well time to go to try to be productive, but I give no promises ;). Till next time, cheers!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

And tired......

Well today is going to be quite the day. I haven't really slept much since last night at a great toga party the hosts got a little too drunk, so Big Nick and myself decieded that we needed to stay up all night to make sure these two girls who were passed out in the bathroom and hallway were going to be ok. (Yay karma points). Coming back down, I thought what a beautiful day, I have my cheer banquet today, everything is going to be ok. Then I come home.....

So my annoying ass roommate was there to greet me, oh joy! Pretty much telling me that I need to pay my part of the rent that I won't be around. Oh did I mention the kid hasn't even helped look for someone to take this over, or maybe because I am having to lie my ass off to some poor fool that is going to have to live with this kid. We still don't have internet because he didn't think it was important to pay that fun little bill (I had to get clearwire for myself and he got pissed). But yeah I will pay any sort of charge to my land lord before I will give that little bastard a dime.

Ok now that I have vented a little and I feel better, one week and one day till I leave :). That should make things a little better. But damn I have to start getting my stuff all packed up. Maybe that is what I will do today, I will get my pack on when I get home from the banquet! I am pretty excited!!

Anyways, it is shower time, and then banquet! So I will see you on the other side!! Cheers!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Oh buddy

So yeah, this past week has been just crazy!! So lets start with my journey to the Tri-Cities! I now love my parents to death for getting me the hell out of that place. It sucked!! It was great to see Crossy again, and two places I used to live, but well other than that.... boo ha ha ha.

Then I went to Portland to look at a gym, that the owner, David, wanted me to check out and see if I might be interested helping out there. Honestly, I didn't think that I would really care for Portland (being the kind of person that absolutly loves Seattle), but wow! I loved the gym, I loved Portland, David and Jason were very nice and hospitable. Above all I had the best doughnut of my life (yes I am a fat kid at heart). It was from Voodoo Doughnuts, and it was an applefitter (sp?), and it had chocolate and penutbutter all over it. WOW!

It is crazy, because I have had my tickets for Europe for months, and for whatever reason, it hasn't felt real (still kind of doesn't) until this week when I have been figuring out times that I am going to intercept Jasmine and Eva in Berlin. Six a.m. will be interesting in Berlin since that is when I need to meet them at the trainstation to head to Prauge.

Last night I got to go over to Chad and Michelle's and play rockband and drink Gin and Tonics :). It was quite great! And I am really going to miss them after I am gone, they have become my favorite cheer parents.

Anyways, I really should go do something productive with my time, like go to lunch (since I am at work) and stop by and start my stunting clinic. So till next time, stay classy!! Cheers!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

mmmmm sleeping in!

YAWN!!! Man I love lazy days like today :). I just woke up about an hour ago (it is almost noon), and i am now eating cereal in my boxers in the most unsexy way you could ever imagine! Only 2 weeks and 6 days 4 hours and 46 mins untill my flight leaves! Wow, I have nothing done yet ha!

On an up note I have been offered two jobs, one in Oregon, and one here in Washington. It is a double edged sword, because there is a good chance I will have a good job to come home to, but then again that means there is alot more things that I need to get prepared before I can leave. Oh well I should just be grateful that I have job offers in this economy, because my good friend Brando has been unemployed for over 6 months with nothing coming up for him.

On another note I have become overly addicted to Lost, to the point that the other night I couldn't stop watching episodes, so I just sat up till 5am (started around 9:30pm) just watching them till I just passed out. Bleh!

Anyways, enough with the babbling on for now, I need to get my ass showered and get my oil changed and start getting my stuff packed. There is a lot of things to get done in the next couple weeks, so I need to start getting my hussle on lol.

Till next time, cheers!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Casinos are for old people....

Ok so I woke up this morning with the realization that the only old people hang out at the casino bars...... and smokers. Man, I haven't smelled this bad of smoke when I woke up in a long time. I went out though last night with Chad and Michelle (parents of Kortni one of my cheer girls), and jammed out to some good ol' country music! We all had a very good time!

Today though, time to actually try to get my car cleaned out.... I have been saying that I was going to do it for a while! So I best get on it, it is a beautiful day! So get out and enjoy it :)!!


Friday, April 3, 2009

Hey it is a start.....

Well, here we go, I now have entered the 'blog-o-sphere' or whatever you want to call it. Anyways I am sitting here about to get my butt in to gear to get some things done and get ready for my trip. Only 4 weeks and 3 days till i am gone!! Wow I am excited/nervous!

Anyways, on the list of things to do for my day
1) Create blog (check)
2) Chat it up with Jasmine (my friend from Sweden :)) (check)
3) Go to the bank
4) Go bug my travel agent about going to mexico when I get back
5) Gym
6) Parents house to help them order a head stone
7) Do something unproductive!!

Not a bad list for the day! Anyways, till next time! Cheers!!