Sunday, April 26, 2009

And tired......

Well today is going to be quite the day. I haven't really slept much since last night at a great toga party the hosts got a little too drunk, so Big Nick and myself decieded that we needed to stay up all night to make sure these two girls who were passed out in the bathroom and hallway were going to be ok. (Yay karma points). Coming back down, I thought what a beautiful day, I have my cheer banquet today, everything is going to be ok. Then I come home.....

So my annoying ass roommate was there to greet me, oh joy! Pretty much telling me that I need to pay my part of the rent that I won't be around. Oh did I mention the kid hasn't even helped look for someone to take this over, or maybe because I am having to lie my ass off to some poor fool that is going to have to live with this kid. We still don't have internet because he didn't think it was important to pay that fun little bill (I had to get clearwire for myself and he got pissed). But yeah I will pay any sort of charge to my land lord before I will give that little bastard a dime.

Ok now that I have vented a little and I feel better, one week and one day till I leave :). That should make things a little better. But damn I have to start getting my stuff all packed up. Maybe that is what I will do today, I will get my pack on when I get home from the banquet! I am pretty excited!!

Anyways, it is shower time, and then banquet! So I will see you on the other side!! Cheers!

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