Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And down the home streach I go....

Well I am now being very very productive at work and writing in my blog, how cool am I ha ha. So yeah yesterday I came home for lunch to see my roommate moving out with out letting the land lord or myself know. Ha ha, what a dip. All I have to say is thank god for Craigslist, and its ability to get information out fast! So now I am in the clear with 100% of the damage deposit that we get back going to me since he bailed with no notice.

So today is the last day of death care for me. I feel bad, I am the most worthless person today. I have no gumption to do anything right now.... I just want to get back to my house and continue packing and cleaning, because it is going to be a whole bucket of no fun to clean that place. On the bright side Brando has stepped up to be quite the homie during this transition, and is helping me out alot!

But just to think in six days I will be boarding an airplane to the other side of the world, and in a week I will be in Berlin. Wow, doesn't seem real as of yet. Oh well there is too much to much else to think about before I worry about all of that, like getting packed and cleaned and all that fun jazz!!

Well time to go to try to be productive, but I give no promises ;). Till next time, cheers!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Daniel Son...I am not sure if I am doing this right or not but here we go. I hope you had an uneventful flight into Frankfurt, actually you should be there in one hour. I just wanted to remind you....DON'T DRINK THE WATER!!! I want you to have the absolute time of your life and stay as safe as you possible can. Tip a beer for your Mama in Germany and I love you very much.
    God Speed,
