Tuesday, April 14, 2009

mmmmm sleeping in!

YAWN!!! Man I love lazy days like today :). I just woke up about an hour ago (it is almost noon), and i am now eating cereal in my boxers in the most unsexy way you could ever imagine! Only 2 weeks and 6 days 4 hours and 46 mins untill my flight leaves! Wow, I have nothing done yet ha!

On an up note I have been offered two jobs, one in Oregon, and one here in Washington. It is a double edged sword, because there is a good chance I will have a good job to come home to, but then again that means there is alot more things that I need to get prepared before I can leave. Oh well I should just be grateful that I have job offers in this economy, because my good friend Brando has been unemployed for over 6 months with nothing coming up for him.

On another note I have become overly addicted to Lost, to the point that the other night I couldn't stop watching episodes, so I just sat up till 5am (started around 9:30pm) just watching them till I just passed out. Bleh!

Anyways, enough with the babbling on for now, I need to get my ass showered and get my oil changed and start getting my stuff packed. There is a lot of things to get done in the next couple weeks, so I need to start getting my hussle on lol.

Till next time, cheers!

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