Saturday, May 23, 2009

Budapest part II

Ok last night I was quite tired by the time i was done and figured I needed to write something in my blog, but didn't have enough energy to finish lol. But anyways, after the day of caving, the original plan was to leave, but I decided to stay another day because I had so much fun. The next day at breakfast, I was getting everything ready and preparing myself to head over to the House of Terror and I met another ex-pat who was working out of Germany. So she tagged along with me with the intentions that she was going to the House of Terror with me, and then she was heading on her own for a walk.

The House of Terror is a building in Budapest that when the Nazis and Soviets occupied the area they used this house to hold and exicute 'political' prisoners. What is kind of a mind trip is that this place was in full function of crazy interigations, torture, and killings until the fall of communisim in 1989. That is in my life time!! It was all brought to my attention on how crazy it was, was when I was talking to Anikol (the gal at the hostel the first night), that she remebers when she was young, a black car would pull up to the house, and then who ever they took out generally was never seen again. Anikol is only two years older than I. But it was quite a troubling place, even for someone like me who loves that sort of thing, I found myself being creeped out, or maybe it is when you go to a musuem in the states about something like that, it is all recreations and even at that point most find it distrubing. I actually walked through actual cells, places they tortured people, and even the exicution room where all the stuff actually went down. Yikes.

None the less after the extremely uplifting two hours, we decieded to get some coffee and continue to chat a bit. Kristine was very nice, and we continued to chat and get dinner. We debated and chated about everything from the Nazi and Soviet influence in Eastern European culture, to the different mindsets between men and women and how she gets mad at her boyfriend for the same reasons I think every one of my ex's have been mad at me in the past (ha it isn't just me it is all men ;) ). She was even nice enough to walk me to the trainstation at 10:30 pm. When it was time for a farewell, I said, "Damn, this is my least favorite part about meeting poeple on this trip, is saying good-bye..... I really suck at them" her reply was a German phrase, but in translation it means "Everything has an end but the Wurst (ie a Sausage) has two". It made me chuckle and off I went....

So I am on the train and pass out yay!! It is a good way to start a 10 hour train journey at night, until I reach the Romanian boarder. They asked for my ticket and passport on several occasions, and then three people came in and started to ask me if I have a cough, running a fever, or in general don't feel good. Then after answering no to everything, they made me sign a peice of paper stating that I was not infected by the swine flu and have not been in contact with anyone who has had the swine flu. Wow!! Romania really doesn't want the swine flu to get here. And angry boarder guards suck when you were asleep and are suddenly awoken and yelled at, all at about 3:30am. I heart Romania!!

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