Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wein (Vienna)...... holla!!

Quick catch up of adventures thus far. Wein or Vienna as we call it was pretty cool (as long as you don't end up in the red light district on accident like I did...

So while I was there I met a great couple from England named Oly and Charly. They were very nice and were very insightful about the things to walk around and see, as well as places to eat. So in my wanderings in Wein, I came across archetecture that was just beyond anything that we have at home. Really I had sensory overload, there were so many different fasades (sp?) and statues where none of them where the same, all hand created and different (the picture to the left was in front of the Natural History Museum). Outside of the old town, the city had the feel of Prague, and when you got outside that toward my hostel it became a bussling city with designer stores and american fast food you could ever imagin.

One of the coolest monuments I got to see on my adventures though Wein was the statue of Mozart who got his start in this city. It was a very beautifully done statue with a great flower display in front of it (see right).

That evening I got back in and Charly, Oly, and I all went out for all you can eat sushi!! It was sooo good, there was a converer belt that ran right next to the table and you just sat and watched for whatever you wanted to come, then grab it, eat it, and repeat. I have yet to eat quite like that since I have been here. Actually on a side note I thought since I came here that I would be living on my budget and not eating alot, but holy god, I eaten like a king while being over here and while staying under budget! It rocks!

Then the next morning it was time to say good-bye to my new friends and head to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. And did you know that Wein, and Bratislava are the two closest country capitals in the world (about 40 Km apart, or for everyone back home about 25 miles). Nothing very interesting happenened on the train trip, but Bratislava was quite the place........

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